Always Be Crushing With Hunter McIntyre, Week 2
Always Be Crushing With Hunter McIntyre, Week 2
Strength, conditioning, skills, Dojo days: Hunter McIntyre is the best obstacle course racers in the world and he's here to make sure you always crush it.
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Strength, conditioning, skills, Dojo days: Hunter McIntyre is one of the best obstacle course racers in the world and he's here to make sure you're always crushing it.
Week 2
Monday is strength day - you’ll be performing supersets at around 70-80% of your max in an AMRAP format. Your goal is to accumulate as many good reps as possible without breaking down.
2 strict press
2 hang cleans
*rest 5 minutes*
4 snatches
4 good mornings
*rest 5 minutes*
6 bicep curl lunges
6 tricep press downs
High intensity intervals: hard efforts mixed with low effort.
If you aren’t sustaining a certain pace then drop out of the workout: sloppy efforts are useless.
Warm up 10 minutes
Complete between 10 and 20 rounds of
60 seconds run at your 1 mile PR
60 seconds run at 70%
*if you’re unable to keep the pace, stop
Cool down 10 minutes
Core control day and bodybuilding morning workout.
Core Control
A. 4x10-20 atomic push ups (tempo)
B. 4x10-20 windshield wipers
C. 4x10-20 pike ups (find most challenging way to perform for you)
D. 300 flutter kick for time
E. 300 mountain climbers
F. Accumulated 3-5 minute in plank
4 rounds at walking pace
8 hamstring curls
8 weighted chin ups
8 leg extensions
8 weighted dips
Recovery bike or run cardio PM workout.
A. 30 minutes focus on easy breathing
B. Hydrate and stretch hip and spine (couch stretch, pigeon, scorpions, etc)
Recovery day: easy 60 minute cardio run or row
Maximum muscle recruitment day
A. 5x2 weighted jump squats (focus on speed and explosive jumps)
B. Plyo push ups sets, 3 sets max effort, max recovery necessary
C. 6-9x 10 second assault bike. Go for max wattage, rest as necessary.
E. 4 rounds for time:
4 front squats (225/155)
400m run
4 barbell rows (225/155)
400m run
EMOM 60, rotating between:
1 - 200m row
2 - 15 calorie assault bike
3 - 30 double unders
Dojo Day:
Spend an hour on low intensity skill: slack line, gymnastic, swimming, tracks and field events